A New View through Vista
As we begin to study operating systems for real, everyone should take a look at the new os from Microsoft -- Vista. It's a continuing play on the Windows motif -- Vista is a greater view through a window. So look at it and blog about it. The best place to start is Microsoft itself. But don't take their word for it. Research and find out more about Vista.
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The problem with Vista is that Microsoft has focused on DRM and media and things of that nature.
You will need a new machine to take full advantage of Vista, so says Microsft. You will not be able to view High Def. media unless you get a new moniter, and DRM (digital rights management) will ensure that you only watch what Microsoft wants you to watch.
It's sort of like they're asking "Where do you want to go today? You can go there, as long as it's where WE want you to be able to go."
High def. media?
What exactly are you referring to? Computer monitors are already high definition, and can therefore display high definition media. Do you have an old 800x600 or something?
I am conflicted on DRM. I find that, logically, the user agrees to the terms the publisher sets when he downloads/purchases the media in question. In other words, if you don't like the terms, don't buy the product.
At the same time, I must say I don't much like the terms proposed by the majority of publishers.
The downside of this whole argument is the assumption that there are competing content producers from which to acquire the desired services. Alternative services only become available when they have a viability of market survival. If the majority of users don't care enough about DRM to go with the little guys, then said little guys will assuredly be short-lived.
High def. media -
What I mean by that is simple: Microsoft has said that the media players in vista will require new DRM enabled moniters to get the best viewing possible. Older moniters will play some media at lower quality, and some media wont play at all.
Ah, I see.
That's alright, I use Winamp, VLC, stuff like that.
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