Sunday, March 25, 2007

Internet 2

Arguably the largest network in the world is the Internet. This network unites varied operating systems, however in the past decade the original intention of the Internet, to provide world-wide access to the human knowledge base, has been coopted by commercialism. Internet 2 is an initiative to return the Internet to its original purpose. Research Internet 2, comment on how you view the future of the Internet. As always, include your name along with a relevant URL.

Blog on!


Blogger Zero Armada said...

There isnt much on Internet 2 but what i can surmise is that UCAID a non-profit organization started Internet 2 but they say its the future of the internet i for one this its a big wait of money.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

internet 2 is from UCAID, a non-profitable organization. it is supposed to be a faster alternative to the internet. it maybe better or maybe not than what there is now. only time will tell.


9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Internet2 is the foremost U.S. advanced networking consortium. Led by the research and education community since 1996, Internet2 promotes the missions of its members by providing both leading-edge network capabilities and unique partnership opportunities that together facilitate the development, deployment and use of revolutionary Internet technologies.
By bringing research and academia together with technology leaders from industry, government and the international community, Internet2 promotes collaboration and innovation that has a fundamental impact on the future of the Internet.

It is expensive to be an Internet2 member or subscriber. Please check the pricing at

Albert Eclavea

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The old man that I am everything is a learning experence for me I find Internet 2 as somewhat refreshing,although I couldn't find a lot of detail that I fully understood. If over 200 schools and businesses are already involved in it must mean something.I gather it will allow its users to quicker assess and tie them together for better networking but I quest the overall cost is it cost effective for the everyday Self-miser type who squeezes the penny!!!
Http:// 2007/tech html/


10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I read Internet2 seems to be a network backed by various organizations (specifically by universities, though there are others) in an attempt to provide educational resources, but most importantly, provide high speed connections. These connections are required for the large amount of data that is hoped to be transfered, but it seems to me like a race to gain supremacy. I assume the organizations behind Internet2 wish to co-exist with the currently used Internet, so there's no danger of losing any of the "luxuries" that allowed, however if Internet2, could provide a large database of information, at high speeds with a lower cost then the current Internet (and since it's a non-profit organization, I'm assuming the cost will be less) then perhaps it can take some of the steam that the current Internet has built.

As far as the future state of the Internet, I read that universities are currently uploading there syllabi for the use of anyone who access the universities website, free of charge. There's no doubt that the opportunity to learn is granted to anyone with the Internet, despite the growing commercialism that surrounds it. Just like in the real world, despite the almost overbearing commercialistic mindsets of people, there are still those who with more sincere goals. There's no reason to attempt to escape the confines of one "space" (in this case the current Internet) to find greener pastures, so to speak, when it can be made just as easily among that space. Unless there's something about the current Internet I don't know...

Joeshua Ladouceur

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joeshua Ladouceur

10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

internet 2 sould like a really good idea, returning the internet to it's original purpose. I just hope that it won't be commercilized like the internet today

Marcus Thomas

10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in my opinion i think the future of the internet is going farther away from its original purpose. Internet 2 is a way to help it but there is so many wrong things now on the internt now that it is hard to actually get rid of it. i think internet is a waste of time

joseph delongchamps

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is rather difficult for me comment on. i can only say that if it will eliminate pop-ups and spam i'm all for it.

Jessie Cajigas

9:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If internet2 can give true educational content, unlike the current internet as it is. i think it would be a great idea

Joseph Castillo

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Internet2 is a collaborative project by over 120 U.S. research universities, working with partners in industry and government, to develop a new family of advanced applications to meet emerging academic requirements in research, teaching, and learning. This collaboration is addressing the major challenges facing the next generation of university networks by:

First and most importantly, creating and sustaining a leading edge network capability for the national research community,
Second, directing network development efforts to enable a new generation of applications to fully exploit the capabilities of broadband networks, and
Third, working to rapidly transfer new network services and applications to all levels of educational use and to the broader Internet community, both nationally and internationally.


10:25 PM  

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