Monday, January 23, 2006

The Mactel

Apple has had its parallel OS life until recently when it announced that new Macs will use Intel chips -- hence the term Mactel. This article is a starting point to examine the consequences that the Mactel machine will cause. Obviously Apple hopes it will result in higher sales, but can the mactels compete against the Windows-Intel - wintel -- machines? Search the Internet for some more information on this, then as always, blog on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I would like to see the benchmarks to see if Macs will run faster on Intel chips as opposed to IBM chips. Also, will there be a cost savings switching to the Intel chip?

Now, as for competing with Wintel, I do not believe Mactel will be able to compete for a few years for the reason that the number of applications for Macs are far fewer that the number of applications available for Wintel.
To appeal to a large customer base, variety is the key. And Wintel has the variety and number of applications to appeal to 90% of the population.
Now I suppose when the software is created to allow people to run Windows apps at full speed on a Mac, then buying a Mac with a dual boot configuration will prove to be enticing. You use Mac OS when you run your MAC apps, then switch over to Windows to run windows apps and play video games.

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will be able to swich over to windows and play games and run windows applications, but Redhat is pushing for its Linux operating system to be able to run in mactel too.

It will be interesting to see who gets there first. Redhat, or Microsoft?

12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your links do not work.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Jane said...

The comment from edhunor8727339719 is a spam. It's just as well that that link doesn't work.

I chose not to moderate this blog because it slowed down the interaction, but the price we pay for a non-moderated blog is the potential for spamming. It's a trade off.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does moderating this blog slow down the interaction? It is not like everyone is posting comments all the time.

3:40 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

Hi Mike,

The moderation slows down the interaction because I have to approve of the comment before it is posted. As you can see from the spam above, I removed this moderation restriction, and now comments appear as they are posted.

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you are counting on lots of posting.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Un-moderated commenting is also helped by people staying germane. Arguing about un-moderated commenting is not germane.

Now then, I find the likelyhood of Mactel systems seriously competing with Windows machines unlikely, not because of any difference in ability or ease of use or any 'good' reason, but simply because the majority of users are not at all knowledgeable on the subject, nor do they care. The masses will go with what they know.

This does not mean the Mactel isn't a good idea or that it is useless. There still is a market for Macs and this innovation will suredly improve upon that market. Media professionals have been using and will remain using Apple machines. However, I do not believe we will see any large shift inside of a decade.


10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerry said:

wonder if they'll screw this up like they did the ipod nano

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mactel should be alot fast than the powerpc chips.maybe one day mactel or wintel might share software with each other. I know im dreaming but it would be nice. We should find out soon to see if the mactel is a reliable pc.

6:51 PM  

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