Thursday, September 08, 2011

Memory Management

For some of you this might be review, but for those who are new to Operating Systems concepts this site contains good basic information.

Your blog assignment for this week is to read the article and then make some basic observations about memory management. Don't just summarize the website. What did you find was interesting, new, or confusing about this site on memory management.

Remember, you can't get it wrong, but you can lose points by failing to blog.

Blog on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Memory managment, Fall into three catagories Hardware, Operating and Application. So many advantages and disadvantages. Some what confusing to me. Manual Memory managment seems to time consuming and complicated. Automatic memory management seeems easy with of course disadvantages. I was always told just to max out on memory for you computer system.
Kenneth Castro

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the first few words of the article in that I find memory management very complex. It is interesting after reading the various issues of allocation, recycling, fragmentation, reallocation, etc that a computer can be as fast as it is. Mac OS memory management is intersting in that it has a flat address space shared between all processes and the size of address space is fixed at boot time. It's lowest part of memory is occupied by the system partition and there is nothing to prevent applications from accessing some global values there. I definitely understand now why RAM is the most important issue when purchasing a computer.


11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Memory leak is one of the Memory Management problems that I learn reading this article where some programs can run out of memory by using more and more memory without giving any back.
The most interesting Memory Managements in this article is Automatic memory Management where the memory can recycle itself once is not longer in use, contrast to Manual memory Management where the programmer recycles the unused memory writing lots of codes resulting in common bugs.


8:40 PM  
Anonymous Chris McDonald said...

After reading the article i find that, its safer, more efficient an less time consuming if you stay away from manual memory manager, it just appears that you would have to allocate a specific person that is well trained an equiped to deal with the allocation an transferring of memory, along with the writing of mass amounts of code. But just reading the article, was astounding to see how much goes into the allocation an sharing of memory, an how it can affect the speed an of your system, an how you can also not know for sure how much memory you have or even if you will be able to use the spare memory at all.

2:58 PM  
Blogger derrick demaree said...

I had no idea there was this much going on in just memory management. When I think of memory management I only think about the user deleting things that are no longer need.
I tried to read about recycleing but got lost very quickly. However what I gather is that you not only have to delet the program but also all the pointers to a program as well as any app that needs it to run.
-derrick demaree

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It occurred to me while reading on memory management that I, as a computer user, take memory for granted. Its there when i need it, if i need more i delete programs i dont use.
Sometimes, if my computer is freezing up or behaving poorly I run a system check or defragmentation and that usually helps with the problem. Reading about External Fragmentation, got me thinking about the use of a defragmentor, I never thought about what it actually did but I guess it pieces memory together so its useful? Still not quite sure but that's pretty interesting to me. So much more goes into memory management then I ever realized and I still dont get the half of it but i guess I am now one step closer to understanding the inner workings of my PC.
Tammi Brennan

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found that garbage collection must be careful selected for each application or risk being fat, bloated and or slow. Problems include memory leaks, dangling pointers, fragmentation, and poor locality of reference. I believe it would be a tough balancing act to write a program and manually manage the memory of the program. I was interested in how java generates a hierarchy of reachability. The names of the six strengths of reachability are very descriptive and I found that helpful to understand java’s garbage collecting. What confused me was vast number of recycling techniques and when to use them and how to use them. I did not feel like I was reading a “Beginner’s Guide”.

Terry Charping

9:00 AM  
Blogger prejean said...

I realized from the article that memory managment sounds simple but is much more complex. Memory managment is very important it easier to write debugging tools, because much of the code can be shared. Such tools could display objects, navigate links, validate objects, or detect abnormal accumulations of certain object types or block sizes.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first thing I learned in reading this article was that the more I learn of operating systems and memory management the more I realize I don't know as much as I thought I did. This helps me to remain teachable and to be informed as much as possible. Although the three main areas of memory management are; Hardware, Operating, and Application, even with a well designed memory manager there are still issues that can affect speed and performance of programs.

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was from Pablo Santos by the way...

10:58 AM  
Blogger Fred O said...

While reading through the memory management site you realize just how viable the role of memory is to your system, it was also very easy to get lost in the text and a little confused at times. But it did really help me understand the importance of memory. I still disagree that you should have as much memory as possible just for the simple fact that people running a 32 bit OS systems won’t see any performance boast for anything over 4 gigs due to the fact that their system can will only recognize 3.9 gigs of that RAM. Those of use running 64 bit systems will never use over 6 gigs of RAM unless we are editing audio or visual files. So, that information can be a bit deceiving to a novice computer user.

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being no stranger to the computer world, there wasnt too much new information here for me. While I understood the process of memory management, it did however supply me with the more technical naming and functions. One area that interested me, was, manaul memory management. I was suprised to see that this was still so widely used, being that it can be very time consuming to rewrite repetetive code.

Damien Bangle

1:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The things that interested me in the article was on how the memory management takes care of certain problems such as, leakage.

Javier Jimenez

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The main issues regarding Memory Management for me are the amount of Overhead that is needed to perform the operations requested of the MM.


1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Two things intrigued me, Primarily the fault of premature-free. This sounds like very sloppy/bad programming to me, and an easily remedied issue, at the cost of slightly more resources being allocated for a longer period. Secondly, Memory leak, This once again seems like something that is not solvable by the operating system, or hardware, and is purely a fault of the programmer. Regarding to my opinion on the listed faults I don't believe the two i mentioned to be allocation errors, but errors regarding a third parties software.

- Colin Allman

10:59 AM  
Blogger Dr. L-Z said...

Memory management is a breakthrough with computer technology however it still has not been perfected and that causes many issues in the pc universe. A few to name are the programmer must constantly write code, which is very time consuming and can be quite tediuos for repetitive bookkeeping of memory. Sadly, memory management still has many bugs that still aren't worked out.

9:09 AM  
Anonymous Links said...

I knew nothing about memory management before reading this article. But as time went by and what I learning from the book and the link below, I realized that memory isnt that complicated once you have a basic knowledge of it. I learned there are 3 types of memory management: Hardware, Operating and Application management. Each serves its own purpose and they all work together to form layers between the user and application. Modern languages use memory management such as Java, Java Script and Basic.


6:30 PM  
Blogger Estefan L. Medina said...

I found this site to help me understand why there are so many problems within just the Memory system of an operating system. Whether it was "Inflexible Design", "Memory Leakage", or just something like simple external fragmentation are all problems I usually encounter on a regular basis.

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

• There are three faces to memory management: Hardware- the electronics, Operation System-the segment in which virtual memory is utilized, and Application-where memory allocation and the recycling take place.
• Of the two types of application memory management, it was not surprising to find out that automatic memory management was deemed more time efficient, with lower overhead and voted least likely to be bug-infested; “to err is to human” after all…

• Prior to reading this article I was unaware the amount of types of potential malfunctions within memory management and now am particularly more mindful of the importance for routine defragment sessions (also.
Fun Fact: Suballocator is a special code sometimes used as a supplement with manual memory management that functions as a “garbage collector” in effort to counter the other drawbacks; though I must admit the manual memory management approach would be ideal for those seeking to get better acquainted with the programming codes of memory management.

Theresa Nicholas

1:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have never knew that the were six common problems for memory management, like dangling pointer,memory leak, inflexable design , interface complexity, and etc. also memory management have three seperate parts: the hardware,operating, and application that i remember half from high me it confusing sometimes and kinda hard, but at least i learned something.

-Paul Laureano

4:37 PM  
Anonymous Chris McDonald said...

The article was interesting that it pointed out that three components of memory are there, not just one. Also, it appears that even though you have manual an automactic memory collectors an allocators, it just seems wiser to use automatic less disadvantages an more advantages, then doing it manually, an it does lock up the prgrammer as far as time goes, an allows him to work on other problems or issues, but, overall the article gave me a more clearer picture overall of the way memory is collector an re-dispersed, an how it can affect the overall performance of your systme.

8:04 AM  

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