Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 8 - File Naming conventions

Research over the Internet the file-naming conventions for four different operating systems.  Note the acceptible range of characters, the maximum length, and case sensitivity.

Blog on!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac OS X allows you to name your files with up to 255 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The only illegal character for file and folder names in Mac OS X is the colon “:” and in some applications slashes (/) in naming a file. File names cannot start with a dot ".".

The following characters are invalid as file or folder names on Windows using NTFS: / ? < > \ : * | ” and any character you can type with the Ctrl key as well as the caret ^ under Windows Operating Systems using the FAT file system. In addition to these characters you can place a space at the end of the name
or a period at the end of the name. Folder names may be up to 255characters long.

Unix and Linux
All file names are case sensitive. The dot "." and underscore "_" are permitted as are uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, blank spaces. They may contain any character except "/". The length of the filename is limited to 255 characters.

8:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac OS X allows you to name your files with up to 255 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The only illegal character for file and folder names in Mac OS X is the colon “:” and in some applications slashes (/) in naming a file. File names cannot start with a dot ".".
The following characters are invalid as file or folder names on Windows using NTFS: / ? < > \ : * | ” and any character you can type with the Ctrl key as well as the caret ^ under Windows Operating Systems using the FAT file system. In addition to these characters you can place a space at the end of the name
or a period at the end of the name. Folder names may be up to 255 characters long.
Unix and Linux
All file names are case sensitive. The dot "." and underscore "_" are permitted as are uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, blank spaces. They may contain any character except "/". The length of the filename is limited to 255 characters.

Retta Kasper

8:57 PM  
Blogger prejean said...

On file systems of mainframe systems such as MVS, VMS, and PC systems such as CP/M and derivative systems such as MS-DOS, the extension is a separate namespace from the filename. Under Microsoft's DOS and Windows, extensions such as EXE, COM or BAT indicate that a file is a program executable. This is different from UNIX-like filesystems, where a suffix is not a separate namespace.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ext4 filename length is 256 bytes and the allowable characters in directory entries are any byte except nul.
Cbm dos filename length is 16 bytes and the allowable characters in directory entries are any byte except nul.
Os4000 filename length is 8 bytes and the allowable characters in directory entries are A-Z and 0-9 with period as directory separator.
Apple dos 3.x filename length is 30 bytes and allowable characters in directory entries are any byte except nul.

Terry Charping

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

File naming for digital collections.
Rules set by the file naming convention are assigned to digital objects in collections. Consistency & Uniqueness used in file naming conventions is a good rule to follow before scanning begins. These are the guildlines to devlop a file naming convention.
1. Use 8 fewer characters in file name.
2. use a 3 character file extension (ie._"tif, not_"tiff").
3. Use only alpha numeric characters, except for dashes- and underscores_.
4. Do not use special characters, such as .\/:*?"<>|, except for dashes and underscores.
5. All letters should be lower case.
6. Do not use spaces in file name.
7. Use leading zeros. New file naming conventions should be recorded to documented decisions and assist file management.
File name contains any character other than slash/, which is used for name of the root directory. Spaces are permitted but best be avoided because can be incompatatible with legacy software.
Uses alphanumerical characters mostly lower cases, underscores, hyphens & periods. Characters such as $, %, & [] should be avoided because they have special meaning to the shell. And never begin a file name with a Hypen.
UNIX systems
Early on file names were limited to 14 bytes. Unix supported long file names , usally up to 255 bytes in legnth. File names can be short as a single charater.
MS-DOS & Microsoft Windows systems
Consits of two parts: user-name designated & extension which is determined by the type of file. they are separated by a period.
Kenneth Castro

11:24 AM  
Anonymous Chris M said...

All file systems supported by Windows use the concept of files and directories to access data stored on a disk or device. Windows developers working with the Windows APIs for file and device I/O should understand the various rules, conventions, and limitations of names for files and directories.

Data can be accessed from disks, devices, and network shares using file I/O APIs. Files and directories, along with namespaces, are part of the concept of a path, which is a string representation of where to get the data regardless if it's from a disk or a device or a network connection for a specific operation.

Some file systems, such as NTFS, support linked files and directories, which also follow file naming conventions and rules just as a regular file or directory would. For additional information, see Hard Links and Junctions and Reparse Points and File Operations.

For additional information, see the following subsections:

•File and Directory Names
•Naming Conventions
•Short vs. Long Names
•Fully Qualified vs. Relative Paths
•Maximum Path Length Limitation
•Win32 File Namespaces
•Win32 Device Namespaces
•NT Namespaces
•Related topics
File and Directory Names
All file systems follow the same general naming conventions for an individual file: a base file name and an optional extension, separated by a period. However, each file system, such as NTFS, CDFS, exFAT, UDFS, FAT, and FAT32, can have specific and differing rules about the formation of the individual components in the path to a directory or file. Note that a directory is simply a file with a special attribute designating it as a directory, but otherwise must follow all the same naming rules as a regular file. Because the term directory simply refers to a special type of file as far as the file system is concerned, some reference material will use the general term file to encompass both concepts of directories and data files as such. Because of this, unless otherwise specified, any naming or usage rules or examples for a file should also apply to a directory. The term path refers to one or more directories, backslashes, and possibly a volume name. For more information, see the Paths section.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


In Windows, the naming conventions uses a period (.) to separate the name of the file from the file extension, the backslash (\) to separate the paths, case sensitivity does not apply, and up to 255 characters are allowed in a file name, except <, >, ", \, /, |, :, *, and ?.


Mac OS allows up to 32 characters in the file names, special characters are invalid, and the names for the files have to be more specific.


Allows up to 78 characters, is case-sensitive, file extensions cannot exceed 3 characters, and allows any characters except <, >, ", \, /, |, :, *, and ?.


Allows up to 256 characters, case sensitive, can use any character but it can cause problems, and cannot use | ; , ! @ # $ ( ) < > / \ " ' ` ~ { } [ ] = + & ^ .

-Javier Jimenez

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In windows NT file naming conversion apply to both the file and directory . The term file naming is used to refer files and directories. Although windows NT file name are case aware, they are not case sensitive . This allow you to save a file named Mybook.doc and the filename will be displayed in the correct case. But you can not save a file called my book.doc to the same directory. Both NTFS and FAT support file names up to 255 characters you can use any of the available character including spaces. However there are some characters you can not use. Those characters are ? * / \ : ; < >.

Linux can use up to 256 character long in file naming. Linux allow you to use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and certain special characters. There are some character that is not recommended to use in file naming because this characters have different meaning to the shell in Linux. this characters are * \ -


11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you can name files using almost any character for a name, but by the follwing reserved characters, such as * ? | / \ " : < > and 255 characters are the maximum length for a path.
you can create a filename with a 255 character limit but the early versions of mac OS only allow 31 character filenames. these characters : / \ are directory separators.
-Paul Laureano

10:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for this post.Very important and timely article. Information provided is concise and informative. Keep up the great work!
file naming conventions

11:01 PM  

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