Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Catching up and moving ahead

I have been late in posting the blog topics for the last few chapters, so here they are in separate threads.

Chapter 10:  Query Processing in Distributed Systems

Using the description from the textbook chapter, explaing query processing in distributed systems.  Is it a necessary tool?  Does query processing increase network processing speed?  What effect does the size of the network have on query processing speed?  Cite your sources and include your name.

Blog on!


Anonymous Chris M. said...

The size of the network does have an effect on a query, depending on the type of database you have, varies on the database scheme you like, you also have to look at time, an cost in operating the database. The more users you have the slower it will be if its not sized properly.

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

of course the siz e of the data base effect the search time. The more it has to look through the longer i will take. However it is also dependent on how many users are on it as well. More users = longer times. Diffrent schemes can cut down on search times depending on what it is used for but size matters/

8:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

derrick demaree ^

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Query processing is the function of processing requests for information by trying to increase the efficiency of global query execution, local site processing, and device processing sequences. Distributed Query Processing allows tables from multiple distributed relational databases to e queried as if there were multiple tables in a single database. It is very useful and widely used in data intensive applications where data is stored in multiple locations that are relevant to many people who need access to it.

Retta Kasper

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that query processing is a necessary tool for networking, because it lets one network send data to the host and all of the other networks. I don't believe query processing speeds up networks, just makes it more efficient. The size can have an effect, but if you have 3,000 nodes on one network.

-Javier Jimenez

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While traditional database systems optimize for performance on one-shot query processing, emerging large-scale monitoring applications require continuous tracking of complex data-analysis queries over collections of physically distributed streams. Solutions must consider the size, speed and structure of the network.

Terry Charping

ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Jun2008, Vol. 33 Issue 2, p1-39, 39p

9:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

query processing is the function of processing requests for information and also increasse the effectiveness of the global query, local site processing, and device processing sequences. it all for those problems goes straight towards network's global process and makes it really slow if added on more to it.

understanding operating systems 6th edition, ch.10 p.333
-Paul Laureano

9:41 PM  
Blogger Dr. L-Z said...

I say the larger that network or databas is, the more time it would have to take for the query to go through all that links and databases. I believe the way it is coded, and the amount of users searching can effect the speed

9:16 PM  

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