Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Final Blog!!! - Patches

Visit the Web site of a major operating system vendor and identify the patches that were issued in the last 12 months. For each patch, find its criticality and size. Then, as if you wer assigned the task of installing these patches, decide the timing for their installation.  How many would you install immeditely and which ones could wait for the next patch cycle.  Cite your sources, write your opinion, and include your name.

For the last time, Blog on!


Blogger prejean said...

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9:17 AM  
Anonymous Chris M. said...

Currently for windowsXP is now WindowsXP Service Pack3. The new Service pack still allows you all the benefits from the previous ones,including security updates, hotfixes an much much more an you gain more an a number of new enhancements, which doesnt change anything in the old operating system. The overall product increases your security protection an fills gaps that other operating systems that microsoft misses.

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac OS X Snow Leopard version 10.6 has 31 updates that have been released in the past 12 months. Of these available updates, 8 are printer driver updates for a total of approximately 1532MB. I would not download all these updates as they are for a variety of printers and would only download those for the printers for which we had.
Five of these were specifically security updates for a total of approximately 289MB. I would download these updates immediately as they are critical to the vulnerability of the system. Ten were miscellaneous updates for just under 3GB. I would download these at a regularly scheduled time that did not interfere with the operations of the business.Three were combination updates of approximately 3GB. I would download these as soon as possible but not as to interfere with the operations of the company. They fix a variety of issues to help improve the system. Four were server updates which I would only download to the server machine as they do not apply to other machines. These were approximately 2GB.

Retta Kasper

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

for the Mac OS X there are several updates to many diffrent things. Some of the things i never update are things like safarie because the time it take to update are always 15+ min long and i run firfox instead. So since i dont use it i dont update it. However updates that are for the main operating system as a whole i will update because it is patching holes and securing. Since i need security on that computer i update that.

Derrick DeMaree

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Under the linux distribution of ubuntu, a patch is issued nearly every week or less ( \/ net)
To maintain a smooth environment i would have a machine install each patch incrementally, and at each install, run a stress test under expected usage conditions. each time a stable operating system is confirmed, it would be packaged as a .iso and launched across my network at the most opportune, and readily available timeframe.

Colin Allman

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Red Hat linux divides software updates into 3 levels: security, bug fixes and enhancements.
I would install the security updates immediately to protect my computing infrastructure. Next I would install bug fixes to keep my operating system robust and reliable. Enhancements I would evaluate and implement on the next patch cycle.

Terry Charping

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AmigaOS 4.1 update 3 is the most current update for the AmigaOS. This update contains updates for stability, speed, graphics, and sound. I would install most of these patches because, I want my computer to be stable.

-Javier Jimenez

12:39 PM  
Blogger Dr. L-Z said...

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7:34 PM  
Blogger Dr. L-Z said...

Mac OS X Lion is the operation system used in MacBookAir's. It is an update from Mac OS and features new touch features for the laptop. The downfall with this OS is that the software needs to be purchased.

Info cited from

7:35 PM  

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