Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Alternate Operating Systems

The textbook seems to limit our Operating Systems investigation to the "biggies" -- DOS, Windows, MAC, and UNIX/Linux. However, there are others. Most of these are specialized OSs, and many are probably of minimal value. This site contains some home grown operating systems. Do a little research and locate some others. Then blog about the reasons to use, or even develop, an alternate operating system.

Blog on!

Monday, June 28, 2004

Gates on Operating Systems

This article is six years old! In it Bill Gates discusses the future of operating systems. From this perspective six years in the future, how good a prophet do you think Gates is?

Blog on!

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Online Resources

To stay current with the technology advances in operating systems, an individual must go beyond the textbooks and printed journals. One of the great advantages of the Internet is its immediacy and its universal audience. This blog is just one resource for computer technologists. Find some other resource sites (they don't have to be blogs) and put them in your blog.

Blog on!

Monday, June 21, 2004

Monday -- no class!

Just before noon today, the electricity across campus when out when an 18-wheeler accidentally took down a power pole. All classes were cancelled for today, and since the campus police were unable to ascertain when the power would be restored, evening classes also were cancelled. I hope that most of you get this message BEFORE class tonight.

See, it really is important to read the blog!

We'll double our efforts on Wednesday! In the meantime, try searching on the internet for alternate metaphors for the classic desktop. See you Wednesday.

Blog on!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

DOS renewed!

Just when we thought DOS was dead, this Canadian site proudly proclaims "Upgrade to DOS!"

Hope springs eternal for die-hard DOS users. Do you think DOS has a future? Blog on!

Monday, June 14, 2004

Operating Systems & Real Human Interaction!

As we explore computers and the operating systems that run them, I mentioned in class (yes, I did!) the PAN -- the personal area network. This article is just the beginning of how computer technology is being integrated into human life. What do you see as the future of computers?

Blog on!

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Discussion on blogs

An interesting article here about blogs and how industry is using them. What do you think about the new use of blogs? Can they be commercial as well as personal? Is this a valid use of blogging technology?

Monday, June 07, 2004


Everyone receives a 100 for the blogging assignment.

Welcome to the Journey!

As we begin the summer semester for ITSC1405, I wanted you to know up front that this is a different educational experience. Information gained from the textbook and lectures will be important as always, but equally important will be your journey in learning.

Education is NOT passive. Dig in and get more! As a start, take a look at this Salary site. Now it may have some passing interest, after someday all of you will leave the safety of the classroom, and get out there to work! Now, go beyond the obvious. How valuable are sites such as these. What impact to they have on potential employees? How do you feel about "public information." Blog about this, and any other course related topic in your new blog. Be aware that your blog is both a document of your learning over the semester AND a source of information for your class peers.

Come on! This is going to be GREAT! Blog on!

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Course Blog for ITSC1405

This is new blog for the summer semester. As the course progresses, this blog will be a center of course research and collaboration.