Monday, October 24, 2011

Chapter 9 - WiMAX standards

Research the WiMAX standards.  Describe any barrier to commercial use and the applications that show the most promise.  Explain which countries expect to benefit the most and why. Be sure to cite your sources, including a relevant URL.  Remember to include your name along with the summary.

Blog on!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Midterm Week

It's the week of the midterm.  No blog required.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Chapter 8 - File Naming conventions

Research over the Internet the file-naming conventions for four different operating systems.  Note the acceptible range of characters, the maximum length, and case sensitivity.

Blog on!

Monday, October 03, 2011

Chapter 7

Solid state in computing.  This week will be change from the standard blog and require you to research solid state computing.  Find some aspect of this vast field that you will present in class on Wednesday. Be careful to include a relevant URL, a summary, and your name. 

Blog on!