Tuesday, March 28, 2006

DOS Trivia

DOS lingers in even the latest Windows versions. Exiting from DOS required a reboot. One of the most common keyboard combinations is the CLT+ALT+Delete trio. Who came up with this? What other DOS legacies can you identify in Windows?

Blog on and remember this is part of your course grade!

Monday, March 27, 2006


On Wednesday, March 29, this class will meet in the Advanced Lab (room 221) of the Computer Science building (Building 121). At this time you will have access to an online class. There will be an attendance sheet -- remember to sign in.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Thought Projects

Taking a cue from Einstein's "Thought Experiments", this site presents "Thought Projects" which are present examples of system design from the present and the future. The Operating system topic of the day is system management -- often the analogy of a highway system is used to explain computer networks. You can take that analogy further to explain the functions of systems management. Take a look at this site and then blog on your impressions, analysis, and evaluation of such a concept in driving.

As always, blog on!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Origami Project -- release info 3/2/06

Microsoft tries hard to keep ahead of the competition. Mobile (wireless)computing is undeniably the future and the Origami Project is Microsoft's latest attempt at breaking off a piece of the mobile computing future. What do you think - is something bigger than an iPod, but smaller than a laptop, going to replace the PC? What adjustments will be needed to make it more than a toy?

Look at this site -- the big release is tomorrow -- and then blog on!