Monday, July 23, 2007

Back to the Future in Operating Systems

The PC was introduced as a way to escape the time and cost constraints of mainframe usage. Now the large mainframes are being used again, this time as servers. The operating systems that link networks, such as the internet, have another layer of complexity that goes beyond just linking other nodes. Distributed operating systems use the entire network in an holistic manner. Research distributed computing, and comment -- with URL -- on what you find.

Blog on!

Monday, July 16, 2007


There is no required blog this week. Study for the midterm, and if you must blog, you can comment on the midterm! Did it meet your expectations!

Laughing, but no need to blog!

Monday, July 09, 2007

File Management

The textbook addresses file management in theory, which is great. However, to make it real to the user, the Elder Geek (love that name!), discusses file management for XP operating system. Comment on your impression of this site, then locate other file management sites for Vista or MAC or Linus. Be sure to include the URL of the site in your comment along with your name.

Blog on!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Flash Memory Storage

Tonight each student is required to present information on flash memory storage. I'll be looking forward to your reports!