Monday, July 31, 2006

Final Blog -- in many ways!

As you know, blogging has been a graded part of this course. This is the last of the course blogs, and you are welcome to comment on any relevant operating system topic (the textbook? the concepts?).

The final (also graded!) will be student presentations on the new Vista operating system. If you prefer, you can select another operating system.

The grading for this will be as follows:
1) Analysis of operating system in regard to memory, processor, device, file, and interface management 50% (10% each)
2) Synthesis of Vista's operating system and its predecessors (what has it kept, what is expected to change) 25%
3) Evaluation of new/changed concepts in Vista (15%)
4) Quality of presentation (10%)

I am looking forward to your presentations -- it will be nice to be on the "other side" of the podium for a change!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Research Topic

The research topic for chapter 10 requires that each person locate five examples of types of software that's available (for free) over the Internet. I'll start by including the URL for the beta versions of the Vista Operating system at Now it's your turn.

Blog on!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Flash Forward

As we explore devices, one of the most popular is the relatively new technology of flash drives. Research some more about this technology, and as always, comment including the URL of at least one site that you found to be very helpful.

Blog on!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Better Explanation of devices

This site gives a good explanation on device drives. It supplements the material in the textbook, so take a minute to look at it.

Then look at the research topic for chapter 7. It requires that students lists two of the fastest devices available currently for portable storage. Certainly the How Stuff Works site will help you with this research. Answer this question, and then put in an additional link (just the URL will do) to back up your statements.

Blog on!