Monday, February 28, 2011

Chapter 8 Research

Consult current literature to research file-naming conventions for four different operating systems (not including UNIX, MS-DOS, Windows, or Linux). Note the acceptable range of characters, maximum length, case sensititivty. Give exampels of both acceptable and unacceptable files names.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Chapter 7 Research

Research the circular buffer. Define it and compare & contrast it to both a single and a doube buffer. Explain why the circular buffer might be advantageous in multimedia applications. Remember to cite your sources & include your name.

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Monday, February 07, 2011

Chapter 6

Research and summarize your findings on a computer model with exceptoinal parallel processing ability. Identify the manufacturer, the maximum nuber os processors the computer uses, ow fast the machine can perform calculations, and typical applications for it.

For your comment, summarize your findings; include at least one relevant URL; and remember to use your full name in the comment.

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Chapter 5 Research

As mentioned (repeatedly) in class last week, this is a change in the assignments. Instead of print the exercises, each student should post a well-researched and succinct comment to these research blogs. The blogs are by chapter.

For this chapter, you should research the problme of livelock in a networked environment. Describe how it differs from deadlock and give an example of the problem. Identify at least two different methods the operating system could use to detect and resolve livelock.

For your comment, summarize your findings; include at least one relevant URL; and remember to use your full name in the comment.

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