Monday, June 25, 2007

Giants in Computer History

The textbook briefly mentions Augusta Ada Byron, a British 10th century mathematician. What was her role in computer history, and how is she remembered?

Remember to include your name and a relevant URL in your comment.

Blog on!

Monday, June 18, 2007


One of the more recent developments in operating systems has been the use of multi-core processors. Once only used in high end systems, dual processors and even quad processors are now available in consumer grade machines. This article provides a good basic understanding of the dual core processor.

What advantages do you see in buying a multi-core PC? Blog on!

Monday, June 11, 2007


The first element of Operating systems we study is memory. The textbook is limited to those elements of memory that were available at the time of its publication, but other technologies have recently emerged. One of these memory related technology is magnetoresistive RAM, or magnetic RAM which uses the term MRAM. Webopedia defines MRAM and links to other, older types of RAM such as DRAM. Wired has an article written in 2000 about the emergence of instant access memory. Read these two sites and then comment in this blog on the rapid changes in computer technology.

This is a beginning blog assignment, so it is important to participate. Remember to include your name in the comment. Don't be shy -- just write a sentence or two about what these article contributed to your knowledge about RAM.

Blog on!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Welcome to ITSC1405: Operating Systems

This is an exciting time for a course on operating systems. Vista has finally been released to a mixed review. Microsoft is challenging Linux as never before, and Apple has captured a new audience with iPods, and the about-to-be released iPhones. People are "wired" through wireless technologies, and the interface for communicating with computers is rapidly changing from keyboards to voice and touch.

What are your expectations for this class? Bloggging is a collaborative part of the course, so "speak up" and comment. Don't forget to add your name to the comments.

Blog on!