The textbook mentions the problems of process concurrency. In the early 1970s, several great computer algorithms were composed.
Readers and Writer addressed the concept of mutual exclusion. Read this rather simple article and see if the readers and writers concept clarifies this aspect of process management. Then (you knew this was coming, didn't you), do some research and locate at least one other site that addresses process synchronization -- test and set, wait and signal, and/or semaphores AND another site that discusses process cooperation -- producers and consumer or readers and writers.
It may be difficult (especially if you are one of the last to post), but try not to duplicate sites identified by other students. Your comment should include:
1. Your name
2. A summary on the site you located for process synchronization
3. The URL for the process synchronization site
4. A summary for the site you located for process cooperation
5. The URL for the process cooperation site.
Remember the theory behind blogging is to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate. These are the big three in critical thinking. Technology changes so rote memorization has little value. Research, comprehend, and then contribute to the course knowledge base. It's different from completing textbook exercises, but I truly think the concepts will remain with you longer. If you disagree, you have the option to just do the textbook exercises.
Blog on!